Causes of Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy and its counterpart abortion is one of the leading incidence in the world today. By definition teenage pregnancy is situation where a child under the age of 18 years (teenager) got pregnant. This is usually referred to as unwanted pregnancy since the child is not mentally, physically, religiously and socially ready for bearing a child leading abortion.

There are so many causes of teenage pregnancy in our day. In most cases most children and their parents themselves are the prime causes.

Causes of Teenage pregnancy

  1. Disobedient: Most teens are pregnant due to disobedience, all the known religious organizations are against of fornication as it is regarded as immoral but most female and male child disregard and engage in this activity. Some parent do their best of educating their children for abstinence from sexual activities but they went right into it.
  2. Carelessness of parent/guidance: Most parent are careless about their ward, parents are to monitor their children outfit, where they go to and the kind of friends they move with. It is their responsibility ordained by God to train up a child in the way he should go so that when he or she is old he will not depart away from it, but most parent do not train their children in the Lord. They allow them their free will of movement and other activities that is dangerous to their mental health. They were given chance to, way – keeping, beaches where they learn and practice all those immoral and fornications from.
  3. Peer pressure: As stated above, friends can be an influence leading to fornication thus teenage and unwanted pregnancy. Friends who are already into sexual practices can deceive and encourage the innocent one’s into sexual and prostitution practices leading to teenage pregnancy.
  4. Rape: Rape is a forced sexual intercourse unintended by the girl. This can lead to teenage pregnancy once the girl is in her gestation period. Some of the rape cases are caused by the girls themselves wearing seducing, mini and exposing their body causing lust among the boys leading to rape.