Gimpa Faculty OF Law in Ghana

The faculty of law at GIMPA was established in 2010 and has quickly grown from its small size of about seventy students and five full time faculty to boasting of well over four hundred students and twenty-six full time faculty in addition to fourteen adjuncts.

The school boasts of good infrastructure and arguably has the most enduring and visible presence on the serene Greenhill GIMPA campus. It’s excellent performances in the law admissions entrance examinations into the professional program at the Ghana School of Law has added to its emergent sterling image and the school continues to put in place policies and measures that will ensure even better output in the future.

They prepare their students to be the best attorneys and advocates by combining mainstream theoretical training with clinical programs. In the short five years of its existence, GIMPA Law has been a place of choice and continues to provide the best environment for the study of the law and its future practice.

The Faculty of Law at GIMPA presents an ideal setting for the pursuit of legal scholarship and training of would-be lawyers, legal academics and policymakers. Within the period of its existence, GIMPA Law has quickly emerged as a preeminent centre of learning, emerging among the cluster of Ghanaian law schools as a school of choice.

Their rigorous standards and tested pedagogies prepare their students for an increasingly competitive legal educational environment and a complex legal marketplace. The liberal atmosphere prevalent within the school presents a congenial environment for students to fully achieve their potential and advance nascent talents in the law. With our deep belief in the efficacy of practical lawyering, GIMPA combines a tradition of advocacy and moot courts in which students are encouraged to participate in mock trials and local and international competitions.

Apart from its prominent position as the school of choice for aspiring law students, the GIMPA Faculty of Law has also established itself as a leader in legal research and knowledge dissemination. The Faculty of Law’s journal – GIMPA Law Review – is one of the leading law journals in Ghana. The fourth volume of the GIMPA Law Review published selected conference papers presented during the 2016 international conference on the International Criminal Court and Africa hosted by the GIMPA Faculty of Law.

Through the seminars, policy papers, and research of the African Centre of International Criminal Justice and the African Centre on Law and Ethics, the GIMPA Faculty of Law has reached domestic, continental and global audiences of students, lawyers, policymakers and the general public. The Faculty of Law will continue to assiduously maintain and further the frontiers of excellence that have become its hallmark in teaching and learning, research, and service to the domestic, continental and global publics.


Department of Public Law
Department of Private Law

International Students

The Faculty of Law believes in the exchange of ideas and enhancing student and faculty experience through learning and exchange. It has to this end established collaborative relationship with a number universities across the world including the University of Newcastle Australia and the University of Sao Paolo. It also has partnership relationship with the Leitner Centre for International Law & Justice at Fordham Law School.

Location, contact and address

GPS Digital Address: GA 3413353
    P. O. Box AH50, Achimota, Accra, Ghana
 +233-(0) 501620138
 +233-(0) 332095432
 +233-(0) 302908076
 +233-(0) 302-404664
 [email protected]