Do You Need A Loan From MTN Mobile Money? Are You Struggling To Get A Loan To Use Urgently? We Are Here With An Everlasting Solution.
How To Qualify For MTN Quick Loan.
Kindly follow the steps below
- Customer must be 18 years and above
- Customer must register sim card for Mtn momo
- Customer must use Mtn mobile money for more than 90 days (3 months)
- Customer should frequently deposite, receive and send money to qualify for Mtn Quickloan
- Customer should participate in activities such as, purchasing airtime for calls, internet bundles and take part in other Mtn services to qualify for a loan.
How To Get The Loan When You Qualified
Steps To Follow.
⦁ Dial *170#
⦁ Select option 5 ( Financial Services)
⦁ Select option 3 (Loans)
⦁ Select option 1 (Quick loan)
⦁ Select option 1 (Get a Loan)
⦁ Select your amount
⦁ Enter your Mobile money pin code to approve it.
How To Repay Your Loan
⦁ Dial *170#
⦁ Select option 5 (Financial Services)
⦁ Select option 3 (Loans)
⦁ Select option 1 (Quick loan)
⦁ Select option 2 (Repay my loan)
⦁ Enter amount you want to repay
⦁ Enter your pin code to confirm