Life can be lived in simplicity if the life is comprehended by the person. I agree that, life cannot be lived in perfection but can be made by yourself more comfortable.


  1. Have plans for your life.
  2. Break the plan down.
  3. No competition.

1. HAVING A PLAN FOR LIFE: The simplicity of life is in the measures you have for life in terms of plans you have to achieve in life. Plans are things you have in mind, spirit, heart to bring into existence in a period of life time which supposed to be made in all angles of your life.

2. BRAKING THE PLANS DOWN: Break your plans into pieces and be considering them done in stages per the strength you have mentally, financial, spiritually and the like at that moment. A drop of water makes a big ocean as it is predominantly said. Big plan is your life and is also as the ocean but making it simple by breaking it down is accepting to achieving it in progress.

3. NO COMPETETION: Another angle life of yours can be made simple is to live the life without placing self in any competition with another person whom also has his or her vision and also struggling in making it fulfilled. Everyone has lane in life which they are running. The truth is everyone’s lane in life is one way or the other different from each other’s. It is said that, coat must be cut according to the material one [you] have.

With the above write ups, I believe a few points had been shared with you which will make the life of yours simple and comfortable. Live simply for enough comfort for yourself.