Phone Number Generator

Phone number generator is an automated program / software that generates GSM phone numbers based on data feed and a required minimum number of seven (7) digits.

This system is usually not needed for any practical use except for those who carries malicious activities. The system just generate random numbers which can be done manually without any software implementation.

Why do people use Phone Number Generator?

The act is based on many facts that depends on the user’s intent. But as said earlier the system does not provide anything meaningful but only logic.

Scammers may want real numbers to temper hence may use phone number generator to get real phone contacts which is against both local and international law.

How do the phone number generator work?

The software keeps record of how many digits makes each country’s telephone / GSM number with their international code. Depending on the country chosen, the software generate any number following the standard rule depending in which country.

In Ghana all phone number must start with “0” or ignore “0” when international code “+233” is used, then ensure total number equate 10 or 12 digit if country code was used.