RaTVad is a general platform to use however you should be aware of the following Terms and condition regard the use of our service.
Signup and Account
By creating an account with RaTVad means you agreed to all our terms regard the use of the service.
Privacy Policy
As a policy we do not share any of your details. All details are privately saved for authentication and provisioning of our service to you.
Termination of Account
We may terminate your account without notice if found violating a critical terms on RaTVad. We will also terminate and apprehend for cyber criminality when our system detect and record your actions of tempering with our online system.
Account is also terminated when found uploading non-advert contents.
Payment and Refund
In circumstance where it may require for a refund, your money is refund within 48hours. In terms of adverts disapprovals refunds are made within 24hours.
We refund when an overpayment of GHāµ10.00 and above was made upon request. You are advice to not use our system for testing.
A refund cannot be made when an advert is initiated or added to cue. You are advice to not use or platform for testing.
Approval and Termination of Advert
We review all adverts uploaded against Ghana and international advertising guideline. Your advert may be disapprove if found against one or more guidelines.
You can terminate or cancel your advert after payment but a refund cannot be made if advert already initiated (published) or added to cue therefore you are advice to not use or platform for testing.
Adverts and Storage
We do not guarantee the preservation of your advert on RaTVad. Your adverts may be deleted automatically after three(3) months of inactive hence you are advice to not depend on RaTVad as storage medium.
Adverts Formats and Resolution
Radio Adverts: Only mp3 and wav format accepted.
TV adverts: Only Mp4 and Avi format Accepted.
Minimum resolution: 1280 x 720 with aspect ratio 16:9