The Best and most 30 active ads network for publishers

30 Best Ad Networks for publishers

This article list the best 30 ad networks for website owners, bloggers, publishers and app developers.

Creating a content takes time, domain name and hosting isn’t free, you might need to generate revenue from your contents to keep doing the good work.

All ads and monetization networks has terms and conditions, some ad networks support a particular niche of blogs and other don’t support.

In this article, we do not include the terms of service of any of the listed ad networks hence you must read the terms of service of any of your chosen ad network from the list to prevent suspensions and ban due to term violations.

What is Ad

An ad or advertisement is a promotion containing information in the form of text, graphic, audio and video that is placed on a publisher’s website or app by an ad network.

The publisher may generate revenue when a his readers interact with the ads on his website.

The 9 most popular ad placement types

  • contextual – Contextual advertising is an automated process where a promotional message is matched to relevant digital content. The algorithms underpinning contextual advertising select the advertisements based on keywords and other metadata included in the content
  • interstitial – Interstitial ads are similar to pop-up ads, but are differentiated by their full screen coverage. They can also be expandable (known as expandable ads), which start out as regular banner ads before taking up the whole screen. Interstitials can be displayed in different formats, such as text, a static image, rich media, or a video.
  • In-page Push – In-page push ads are in fact banner ads. They’re meant to resemble standard push notifications in their design. In-page push ads are shown directly on publishers’ websites. In-page push ads don’t require users to subscribe to receive them.
  • Push notification – Push notifications are clickable pop-up messages that appear on your users’ browsers irrespective of the device they’re using or the browser they’re on
  • banner – Banners are the creative rectangular ad that are shown along the top, side, or bottom of a website in hopes that it will drive traffic to the advertiser’s proprietary site, generate awareness, and overall brand consideration. This type of visual banner-style online advertising is a form of display advertising.
  • video ads – is an online display advertisements that have video within them.
  • audio ads – Audio advertising is the delivery of ads in audio format.
  • floating banner – These are ads that appear when you first go to a Web page, and they “float” or “fly” over the page for anywhere from five to 30 seconds.
  • pop ads – Pop-up ads or pop-ups are forms of online advertising on the World Wide Web. A pop-up is a graphical user interface (GUI) display area, usually a small window, that suddenly appears (“pops up”) in the foreground of the visual interface.

List of the best 30 Ad Networks for publishers

1. Google Ad Exchange (Now a part of Google Ad Manager)

Despite the continued adoption of Header Bidding, Google’s Ad Exchange network remains the best demand source for publishers in 2022. It serves as the premium version of Google AdSense and includes many noteworthy features such as:

  • Preferred deals
  • Account-level filtering and blocking
  • Customizable reports based on publishers parameters
  • The ability to set your inventories as branded, semi-transparent and anonymous
  • The ability to block vendors
  • Dynamic Allocation in Google Ad Manager
  • And more…

After Google’s Advertising Product Suite rebranding in 2018, Ad Exchange is now available in the Google Ad Manager.

Keep in mind that if you’re a modest publisher (not generating millions of visitors per month), the reality is that you’re less likely to get an Ad Exchange account.

Don’t worry, though, since we are a certified Google partner; you can sign up to Ad Exchange with MonetizeMore to get access to this premium popular ad network, special features, and most of all, the potential for higher CPMs.

2. TripleLift

Triple lift focuses on native ads, branded content, and branded video ad networks. They help publishers include native direct deals in their existing ad stack. Their in-feed native ads deliver engaging and respectful advertising experiences for your users.

They use their own proprietary technology to create ad placements for publishers that match the look and feel of each of their websites. The native ad framework offers a wide range of different ad formats such as image, scroll, cinemagraph, carousel, and more.

Click here for more information on TripleLift.

3. Xander (Previously AppNexus)

Xandr, which was previously known as AppNexus, is a leading AdTech company that offers a wide range of publishers, advertisers, and programmatic industry-related solutions. The Xandr publisher suite is an all-encompassing online advertising platform that provides SSP, Analytics, AdServer technology, and more to publishers.

Through Xandr, publishers can get access to one of the top ad exchanges in the industry, an enormous pool of ad inventories, at a peak of more than 10 million daily impressions, to monetize their content and get the best returns for each impression.

Xandr is seen more like an ad exchange; some companies even use their software and reporting functionalities to set up publisher networks of their own.

We only recommend Xandr for advanced publishers with a deeper understanding of programmatic advertising and the technology supporting it.

Click here for more information about Xandr’s publisher solution.

4. Index Exchange (Now acquired by Rivr Technologies GmbH)

Index Exchange’s digital advertising network enables publishers to get access to thousands of brands and premium advertisers. It’s among the top monetization platforms globally.

These demand partners go through strict vetting processes, ensuring that only the best inventory is available. This platform for publishers serves top of the range technology, transparency, reliability, and performance.

Each ad is screened to meet quality standards that ensure publishers can improve user experience and serve their audience with only the best ads available.

Click here to join Index Exchange.

5. PubMatic

PubMatic offers a range of solutions to publishers with a focus on transparency and quality. They simplify the process of private marketplaces by helping publishers package, manage, and sell their premium ad inventory to advertisers.

They use advanced RTB technologies to increase competition and yield by connecting publishers to multiple demand partners across a variety of screen sizes. Additionally, they use ad quality tools to protect publishers from low-quality ads while improving user experience.

Click here for more information about PubMatic.

6. OpenX

OpenX is the blue-chip of the advertising industry. They run a state of the art global programmatic market and can provide publishers access to first-rate advertisers – an excellent choice for premium publishers.

Moreover, their OpenX bidder is one of the leading header bidding solutions. They also offer a fully optimized mobile ad exchange, which boasts over 300 billion bids per month.

OpenX’s other solutions include a video solution for publishers called OpenX, OpenX programmatic direct with private marketplaces, and more.

Learn more about OpenX here.

7. Criteo

With Criteo’s Direct Bidder, publishers can maximize their ad revenue on both web and mobile devices by connecting to premium advertiser demand.

Criteo gives publishers access to over 20 000 global retail big brand clients. Their direct bidder works with a wide range of ad units such as display, native, video, and some ad-blocked impressions.

8. Amazon Publisher Services (A9)

Amazon publisher services or A9 Amazon associates offer publishers a cloud-based suite where they can access header bidding, a transparent advertising marketplace, and shopping insights analytics services.

The platform allows publishers to incentivize their revenue model, gain a better knowledge of their users, and improve the user’s experience.

Their marketplace helps publisher websites connect to Amazon ad inventories and via SSPs to ad buyers all over the web. This dramatically increases advertiser competition and revenue.

Amazon offers a simple reporting interface where publishers can experience transparent fee structures, auction level reporting, and see bidders compete equally.

Click here to find out more about Amazon Publisher Service.

9. Verizon Media

Oath is an advertising company, now known as Verizon Media, that provides publishers with a wide range of solutions. This includes access to advertisers for display, mobile, native, and even video ad inventories, ad server technology, and more.

Verizon Media’s publisher solutions are designed to maximize ad revenue for publishers across every medium and platform. They also offer a header bidding solution to publishers. Alternatively, publishers can opt-in for a traditional waterfall setup.

By joining Verizon Media’s ad network, you’ll get access to premium advertiser demand that is available nowhere else. Publishers get access to brand safety controls and easily integrate and manage tools to monetize their ad inventory.

Click here to find out more about Verizon Media.

10. Sharethrough

Sharethrough is an omnichannel supply-side platform underpinned by advanced RTB tech & enhanced ad experiences. They are building a sustainable advertising ecosystem for journalists, content creators, and app developers.

Their header bidding solution was one of MonetizeMore’s top performers in previous years and is expected to continue to be a critical addition to our list of digital advertising networks and partners in 2022.

They offer a very high CPM rate that has resulted in positive growth for many of our premium publisher partners.

More information about the Sharethrough network.

11. 33across

33Across is an ad-tech company at heart that has a reputation for industry high viewability of their online ads. Viewability has long since been a significant factor for publishers. As early as 2016, some advertisers started paying for vCPM or cost-per-thousand-viewable only.

They also offer standard ad formats for mobile, video, and other impactful non-intrusive ad units, as well as a header bidding solution. They focus on delivering easy to implement innovative ad experiences that are non-intrusive to users and drive high performance. With 33across, publishers can gain access to a wide range of premium global advertisers across all verticals.

When testing the 33across advertising network in 2022 within your ad stack, evaluate how your ads are shown to your audiences since it inevitably impacts your ad revenue.

learn more about 33across

12. E-planning

E-Planning helps publishers connect to multiple demand sources on an international basis and improve the ad exchange process. They offer top-class services to publishers while being available for inquiries 24/7, paying on time, and serving brand-safe ads. Publishers can also gain access to the ability to run private deals with over 200 DSPs, further improving their ad revenue.

Find out more about E-Planning

13. Sonobi

Sonobi offers publishers a suite called the JetStream Publisher Suite. Through this bundle of technology and services, publishers can effectively manage ad experiences for Fortune 500 advertisers. In other words, publishers can monetize, analyze, and build media solutions through Sonobi.

Using Sonobi, publishers can build relationships with ad buyers and create ad products that deliver the most engaging experience to their website audience.

If you want to manage and monetize your ad inventory indirectly or directly, JetStream is a great way to do so. It’s also easy to scale operations through a single integration across all media properties, which gives you better control.

Furthermore, publishers can also avoid unwanted fees from 3rd party vendors by managing demand partners directly.

14. Sovrn

Sovrn is an innovative programmatic network company that is continually seeking to help its publisher partners earn more. They provide industry-standard banners and offer a wide range of advertising types such as onScroll InView ads, VPAID, VAST video, and header bidding.

Besides previously mentioned features, they have their own set of premium advertisers that publishers can access to increase revenue and monetize their ad inventories.

Sign up for Sovrn.

15. EMX Digital

EMX Digital, is a media and technology company that caters to both publishers and advertisers. They offer display, mobile, video, and high-impact ad units. It is a top-notch CPM ad network.

What’s great about this network is that they offer fixed CPM pricing units and monetize all publisher inventories across multiple geo-locations. This feature helps publishers with minimum traffic requirements & mixed geographical location traffic sources that aren’t all focused on tier one countries such as the US, UK, and Canada.

Their header bidding solution is called Biddr360, an all-in-one header bidding suite for publishers. The bidder boasts features like real-time transparency, on-demand optimization, and easy integration. Additionally, with Biddr Connect, publishers can access advertiser demand from a global audience consisting of Fortune 500 companies.

Sign up for EMX Digital.

16. Taboola

Headquartered in NYC, Taboola provides ads like ‘Recommended for you’ & ‘Around the Web’ bars at the bottom of various online news blog posts. Taboola’s sponsored links on publisher sites redirect readers to websites or landing pages of advertisers and other networks.

Find out more about Taboola

17. Popads

PopAds is among the top paying ad networks specializing in popunders online. Their services are super fast, safe & transparent.

Find out more about PopAds

18. RevContent

Revcontent is a native advertising platform. It allows publishers to monetize their website easily & advertisers to drive traffic by various means. Revcontent’s traffic-driving tool is useful for brands, affiliate products, and advertisers as it does a decent job sending visitors to landing pages, articles, content or special offers.

Find out more for RevContent

19. Infolinks

Infolinks is an exclusive advertising marketplace enabling ads with contextual intent targeting, greater viewability across premium quality publisher ad inventory. It is a contextual ad network.

Find out more about Infolinks

20. is another global ad network with a comprehensive ad technology portfolio when it comes to display, search, native, products, mobile, and video ads.

Find out more about

21. AdSterra

Adsterra connects publishers and advertisers around the world, enabling them to boost their capital, improve their skills, and improve as programmatic professionals in the long term.

Find out more about AdSterra

22. Primis

Primis has its video discovery technology tools used by tonnes of digital publishers globally, empowering around 350 million monthly uniques with engagement-based video experiences recommending organically viral video content that embark users’ interests.

Find out more about Primis

23. AdBlade Ad Network

AdBlade ad network offers result-oriented proprietary ad units, massive scale, distribution amongst tier-1 publishers, and innovative features for advertisers so that they can launch their brand & direct response campaigns with confidence.

Find out more about AdBlade

24. Vibrant Media

Vibrant ad networks deal with contextual marketing tools enhancing viewability for over 450 million monthly real users across the world. Their publisher’s partnerships drive revenue growth and sustainable ad revenue without compromising on user experience.

Find out more about Vibrant Media

25. Undertone

Undertone crafts amazing ad impressive ad experiences by curating solutions across CTV, video, rich media, and social media platforms. They merge the science & art of ad technology together to create campaigns uplifting brands, advertisers, and publishers around the world.

Find out more about Undertone

26. AdMaven

AdMaven offer advertisers high quality direct traffic to maximize their ROI and reach, while providing publishers highly performing ads to better monetize their web pages

Find out more about AdMaven here.

27. Hilltop ad

They provide the best-performing formats to match the latest industry and technology trends – choose your best fitting one or try them all!

Find out more about Hilltop ad here.

28. Propeller Ads

With instant approval and fast payments, Propeller Ads is a popular ad network for bloggers who work across multiple genres and screen types like mobile, desktop, social media, software, games etc. Propeller Ads offer CPM, CPA, and CPC ad programs and real-time reporting for all the ads. This makes it easy to track the performance and earnings easily. The minimum payout is 100$ for PayZa and Payoneer and 550$ for wire transfer.

Find out more about propeller Ads

29. Revenuehits

A great way to earn 10$-100$ a day, Revenuehits is a CPA-based ad network which pays the publisher for every completed action on the website they own. It pays 10$ to 50$ for each completed action. This network does not pay for any clicks or impressions unlike other networks but offers very high CPA rate.

Find out more about revenuehit

30. Chitika

If you have a good volume of search traffic, Chitika is one ad network you should definitely use, as it monetizes search traffic. It is a popular network among new bloggers and some also consider it as an alternative to Adsense.

Chitika grants instant access and has no minimum traffic requirements. In addition to a low payment threshold of 10$ for PayPal and 50$ for cheque, this network also provides great support for publishers and advertisers. However, stay away from invalid clicking as Chitika will ban your account immediately, if it detects any invalid activity.

Find out more about Chitika

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