Why is my website traffic, click and impression decreasing

Google core update on August 15th 2024 may be the cause of the decrement of your website impression, clicks and views.

The update was intended to improve the way Google search engine conduct indexing and shows result. This is update is to make the search engine smarter in showing the best result on queries.

Why is my website decreasing in ranking?

Your website traffic is decreasing because the search engine was given a new instructions on how to Identify and serve searched results. Therefore it ignore some of the previous method and start using the new method which cause your website traffic to drop.

This also means the new rule is now smarter enough and have identify your content as not suitable to be presented in its previous position in search engine result page.

What should I do to solve the problem?

Keep writing your content as usual following Google and webmaster guidline. If afther 3 months you are not abtaining increment in traffic then it means you have to update your content with best practices.

1. Ensure your contents are not over optimized with keywords.

2. Provide adequate information about the subject you are writing about.

3. Avoid content scrapping, write your own original content.

4. Google does not accept duplication of contents, do not practice duplication of content in your website.

5. Take a survey from your website visitors what they like and dislike about your site. Make an improvement to keep them engage.